Thursday, May 16, 2013

It was THIS Big

Have you ever noticed how size increases every time a person talks about...well, anything, really. Size apparently matters. We don't squash an ordinary spider. It must be huge in order to impress. Snakes have to be longer or deadlier. Mosquitoes must be the size of bombers. Why not just admit we were afraid?

I wonder why the need for exaggeration? Why must everything be bigger?

Why to we need to compete? "My daddy/mama/child is better/richer/has more stuff/smarter than your daddy..."

While I support doing your best, I think our quest for more, more, more is unhealthy and stressful. Contentment is rare. Pursuing less instead of more is considered strange.

Last night I killed a spider. It was only the size of my thumbnail but it gave me the shivers. There now. That wasn't hard at all.



  1. What always amuses me are those people who on hearing what happened to you tell you the same thing happened to them but it was 100 times much worse. Whatever...

  2. It was THIS BIG!!! Well, spiders in particular grow in size according to the depth of our fear.

    1. *shudder* Yeah, they do. Somehow, no spider is small enough.
