Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Odds and strange ends

My spam is getting stranger and stranger. The names people are using to sneak past the filters are getting more creative. Resureccion McGlumphey. Tiberius Reuter. Interrante Snaders. I believe that I will start saving them for use in books. It's almost as good as a baby name book. So bring 'em on guys. Give it your best shot. You may end up in a novel.

Yesterday was a looooong day. A few days ago I pinched a nerve in my back and moving about is difficult. Early in the morning, I rolled out of bed, staggered off to the shower, hoping that a hot shower would help. (No it didn't do much). Got dressed and went with the househunk to do taxes. This is my first year with actual income from writing so everything is different. There's a LOT more paperwork, but we muddled through with the tax guy and came out pretty good.

Waddled out of there like an old woman and went to lunch. Went home and settled in for the afternoon. Then I had the bright idea of slicing up the left over roast for dinner. Oops! Sliced my finger instead--little cut that wants to keep bleeding. Roast on the floor until the househunk came to pick it up. Argh! It's a good thing the cat isn't much of a scrounger.

We had dinner and settled in. Then I received a phone call from my granddaughter. "Mommy is really sick." Well, she's been sick, but apparently she's worse. They live six hours away in another state and she's a single mom. There was a flurry of phone calls to arrange child care and at dawn we may be on our way to pitch in.

Things are tough for the single parents now. If they fall ill, they must depend on extended family and friends. What if the family is far away? I thank every virtual stranger who has ever stepped in to lend a hand in my life. There have been many. And I pay it forward every chance I get.

So whatever path the day takes we will persevere. That's the meaning of life.


4PM update: Daughter apparently had a drug interacation problem. She's better today, back to having her flu/sinus infection combo. And I'm home sitting on the heating pad. Life is good.

I'm blogging today at http://talesofthetrade.blogspot.com/ about taxes and writing. Drop by.

Stop by Kelly's blog at http://www.kkirch.blogspot.com/ for an interview with Sabrina Jeffries. And then pop over to Amarinda's Place at http://www.amarindajones.blogspot.com/ where she's explaining the meaning of life in her own words. Blessings on your day!


  1. Anny

    I hope you feel better and I hope your daughter feels better. I can empathise at the moment as my cough is coming back in a virulent way after only two relatively good days and I also had a sick toddler to watch while her Mommy is at work. Tomorrow I will be on call again near my sick little one. We keep exchanging viruses.

  2. I love those names! They made me laugh. I had one email from a Gustav Patel...seemingly a Swedish Indian.

    Good luck with everything

  3. My best to your daughter, Anny. Travel safely.

  4. I hope your daughter is feeling better quickly.

  5. Yikes, Anny! Hope you are soon feeling better and your daughter as well. Advice for the day: stay away from sharp objects:)

  6. Hope you feel better soon, Anny. Back pain really stinks. It affects so much of what we need to do each day.
