I've made a few in my time. Usually my bad decisions are based on time management issues. You know the ones--those plans that you make with too little time factored in to accomplish everything? The ones where you didn't count on your sister arriving unannounced to stay a week? Or you had no idea that the kids would all have the measles that week?
But there are times when it's been sheer miscalculation based on someone else's reaction. Buy the big guy something for his birthday that he not only doesn't want...it's HELL, NO! he doesn't want it. What were you thinking? Oops!
Then there are the bad timing decisions. The ones where you decide to save some time by taking the freeway only to find yourself sitting in bumper to bumper traffic because of a three car pile up. Or you plan your vacation in Florida in August in the height of hurricane season and son of a gun, a hurricane comes to visit.
Sometimes decisions turn out to be poorly thought out because we are missing critical information. If the missing facts were factored in, our decision would have changed. Often these are the decisions we regret in hindsight. The woulda, coulda, shoulda decisions that we spend a lot of time re-living.
The thing I've learned about life and the decisions we make is this: We can't go back. We can't undo a bad decision. We can only go forward, hopefully having learned from the experience. It's called growing up. And if we're lucky, we keep growing until we're really old. About that time we stop making poor decisions because we've finally learned enough that we have a glimmering of wisdom.
That's why they say that with age comes wisdom...