Thursday, February 21, 2013

Outlook--Partly Cloudy

Am I the only one who is really tired of the constant upgrades and changes to the various e-mail programs, social media, and browsers? Really? Can't we just stick with one thing instead of changing more often than we swap our underwear?

This week Yahoo rolled out a new set-up and Hotmail shifted over to Outlook--whether users wanted it, or not. How is that servicing the public? Oh, I forgot. That's not important.

I suspect all the changes have more to do with the government's ability to track our usage and perhaps monitor our e-mail. In the past, I've kept important messages in e-mail files, but now I'm thinking about deleting the entire mess and going back to "hard copy". So much for the paperless future.

How do you manage your e-mail? Delete or file? And what's your take on all the changes?



  1. "I suspect all the changes have more to do with the government's ability to track our usage and perhaps monitor our e-mail"

    I agree. I don't think people realize how non-innocent all these applications are.

    1. I believe we are monitored far more that most people are aware.

  2. Replies
    1. Oh, yes it does. I really don't like the new screen!

  3. The new Yahoo is terrible! As is Comcast!

    1. It makes me feel claustrophobic, Tessie. Not enough blank spaces!
