Pryderi swayed in shock. The King quickly offered her his arm in support even as he stared down at his former vassel with a pleased smile. Taranis had just sworn not a vow of service as the little Precious had requested, but a vow of the heart that bound him to her as long as he lived. "This is your wish, Taranis?"
"With all my heart." Taranis still knelt before his King and Pryderi, head bowed as he waited for Pryderi to say the words required by tradition if she would accept his vow.
Drawing a deep cleansing breath, she straightened her spine, standing as tall as she could. With a tremble in her soft voice she said, "My darling I could spend eternity holding you to my heart, protecting you with my sword, loving you with all my soul." She plucked the Precious Amulet of Power from around her neck and carefully slid it over his head until it rested in the hollow of his throat. "I place my heart in your hands."
Immediately, he jumped to his feet. Solemnly, he regarded his new partner and mate, unable to realize the powerful changes she had wrought in his heart and soul. He drew his second sword and offered it to her, supporting it on his open palms. When she lifted it from his hands, he said, "I place my heart in your hands."
She sheathed the sword on her back in her scarred and battered battle harness where it slid home, as though created for her. Taranis slipped a gentle finger beneath her chin and tilted her head back. With a tiny smile, he bent his head and kissed her soft pink lips, thinking to afford her a new pleasure. To his enduring astonishment, she flung her arms around his neck and introduced him to an entirely different picture of Pryderi the Precious.
She tasted him with a tongue that flickered from one point of interest to the next, always just ahead of him, savoring the firm lips, the silken curve of his ears, the high ruddy cheekbones. With lazy humor Taranis enjoyed her wandering explorations. Then he captured her lips in a kiss that demonstrated his possessive feelings quite clearly.
Not bothering to hide his amusement, the King inquired, "Will you be staying for the feast? Or will you take Pryderi to the Sanctuary?"
Taranis reluctantly released Pryderi and lifted his head. With a deep sigh, he said, "It would seem best to ask what service we are to perform for you, my King. It was at your request that I fetched Pryderi. How may we serve you now?"
"Oh, I think you've served me very well indeed," the King said. "I hoped that you might find a bond that would make both of your happy. And I see that my hopes were met." He nodded. "Go. Take what time I can spare you. Too soon I will send you into battle."
To be continued...
What could you spend an eternity doing? What is your passion? Your hunger? Your deepest desire? Each day beginning February 5 and running through February 14 one of the ten authors will complete the line, "My darling I could spend eternity…" on either their blog or website. Collect all ten answers and e-mail them to anny@annycook.com with Eternally Yours in the subject line to win some hot, romantic books. There will be three lucky Va
lentine winners.
The prizes –1st prize--5 books
2nd prize--3 books
3rd prize--2 books
Entries must be in by February 16 at midnight EST. All books and prize winners will be drawn randomly.

The prizes –1st prize--5 books
2nd prize--3 books
3rd prize--2 books
Entries must be in by February 16 at midnight EST. All books and prize winners will be drawn randomly.
Sandra Cox Silverhills
Mona Risk To Love a Hero
Brynn Paulin Tribute For the Goddess
Bronwyn Green Mystic Circle
Cindy Spencer Pape Stone and Earth
N.J. Walters Seduction of Shamus O’Rourke
Elyssa Edwards Mating Stone
Amarinda Jones Shades of Gray
Kelly Kirch Time for Love
Anny Cook Honeysuckle
Mona Risk To Love a Hero
Brynn Paulin Tribute For the Goddess
Bronwyn Green Mystic Circle
Cindy Spencer Pape Stone and Earth
N.J. Walters Seduction of Shamus O’Rourke
Elyssa Edwards Mating Stone
Amarinda Jones Shades of Gray
Kelly Kirch Time for Love
Anny Cook Honeysuckle
Don't forget to stop by my website at www.annycook.com and check out the February Scavenger Hunt at the contest box. The deadline for this week is Friday night at midnight EST. Details are in the box!
Congratulations to Amarinda on her release of Shades of Gray! Excellent, excellent book. Loved her vampires! And Temperance was a wonderful, fiesty heroine. Stop by her blog at www.amarindajones.blogspot.com to read a great excerpt. Then pop over to Kelly's blog at www.kkirch.blogspot.com to see what she might be up to on this cold and snowy Thursday. As always, Blessings on your day!
Please tell me you are going to spin this into a full book???
ReplyDeleteIf she does, it wouldn't be such a good idea to post it here. But yeah, Anny, can you take these new species and develop them to their own story line in a book? I want to know about the Precious and the battles this land is fraught with.
ReplyDeleteSometime in the future there could always be a book about a DIFFERENT Precious, Knight, Dragon, etc. For the moment, I'm just enjoying this little story about Pryderi and Taranis.
ReplyDeleteI really like this tale. Well done, Anny. As usual.
ReplyDeleteX-CELLENT, Anny.
My goodness! I miss a few days and look what I come back to find...
ReplyDeleteYummy Anny!! I agree about making it a longer story.