Sunday, March 18, 2012

Twinkie Defense

I'm tired of all the badly behaving people who claim the Twinkies defense. You know...somebody/something/life made them do "it". A soldier kills a bunch of civilians and now we have to hear about how he's having trouble paying his bills. I know a LOT of people who are in debt up past their eyeballs and living out past the edge. So what?

Or the person who had a bad childhood so it's okay to shoot a bunch of people at their workplace. Or the individual whose wife is divorcing him so it's okay to kill his family.

When did we turn into a sniveling bunch of whiny babies? Life sucks. Oh, yes, it does. People all over this country are suffering with poverty, homelessness, disease, and every other possible problem. I've been there. My neighbors have been there. My family is there right now!

The grown ups just keep going. We all hang in there together, offering words of encouragement and hope...and when we can, we do something a little more substantial. But at no point is it okay to kill a bunch of people because things aren't going good.

It just doesn't work that way. I don't know anyone who doesn't have a bushel of problems to deal with. No. One. Such is life. Deal with it. Talk to someone. Doctor. Minister. Friend.

Many years ago the doctor I was using as a primary physician at that time was arrested for selling drugs. His picture was on the front page of the newspaper and I was stunned. I was also in the middle of a medical crisis and had to find another doctor. My new doctor asked me how I felt about the previous doc. I said I was "sad". He said, "You shouldn't be sad. You should be mad. Doctors have the very best access to help."

I've thought a lot about how we deal with multiple murders in this country. And I've decided I'm tired of listening to the excuses and justifications. There are no acceptable reasons to kill a bunch of people. I don't care whether you use a knife, a gun or a rock. Too many people get all wound up by the method. Dead is dead.

And the Twinkie defense is not good enough.
