Sunday, December 2, 2012

When the Cock Crows

The hunk and I returned from our "visiting" vacation yesterday. It was lovely to sleep in my own bed last night. Not that my hosts weren't gracious to point of giving us their bed, but there's nothing like sleeping in your own bed.

For those of my readers who live in the country, I'm sure the ambiance of animals--and trains passing in the night--is nothing new. I am an urban dweller, far enough from the countryside so my night sounds are sirens and screeching tires.

While staying with my son, we were alerted to the approach of the new day--every day--by one of his roosters who apparently felt compelled to sound the alarm around four-thirty A.M. Once he was satisfied everyone was awake, he settled down. Then around six A.M. a different rooster took up the job of notifying us daybreak was imminent.

In case we missed that, the surrounding animal life began calling out in a cacophony of noise--hens, roosters, dogs, turkeys, hounds, birds in the trees, all punctuated by the long mournful horn from the train. Arise! A new day has begun!
