Saturday, August 16, 2008

Half Full

There are days when life just isn't tip-top. Everyone has days like that. The old body doesn't work right. The sun isn't shining. The gas tank is nearly empty. The mail arrives late. Those are the days when it's tempting to think that someone is out to get you.

On those days, there are some individuals who always have the wrong half of the glass. What makes things so hard is their unshakable belief that somebody did that to them on purpose. Somebody made it rain. Somebody used their gas. Somebody took their mail. Somebody did something and that's the reason things are going wrong.

Unfortunately, there are quite a few people out there that feel that way. When I was a kid and I asked why this or that thing went wrong, it was "Just because." Well, that's still true. Why is it raining on the day that I have a doctor's appointment? Just because. Why did I run out of detergent on the last load of laundry? Just because. Sometimes we have to accept that there is no great meaning to the events in our life.

I know there are a few people who sincerely believe that the FBI or CIA is after them, but for the most part, they're wrong. Most of us will lead pedestrian lives punctuated by flurries of panic and nausea and euphoria. I'm perfectly content with the way things are. I like my half glass world.

For those people who live in that other world, I feel bad. It seems to be that it must be very exhausting to continually have to think of reasons for the puzzle of life. For my part, life is the way it is, just because.



  1. Yep - stuff happens - get over it and move on - it's not all about one person as much as some believe it is. They are the whiners of the world that do stop and think others have problems. I can't remember which movie it came from but the quote 'shit happens' sums it up.

  2. I never heard the wrong half of the glass is full before. I like that.

  3. Yeah, I'm sometimes one of those stuck-in-the-glass people. Firmly believe you have to laugh at yourself when those days happen.

  4. Yep. Things just HAPPEN. What is important is how we handle those days when they roll around. I try to never think people or things are out to "get me". You've just gotta laugh and shrug. So what? The sun'll rise tomorrow and we almost always get a chance to start all over.

  5. But remember: Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that someone isn't out to get you.

    Also: The complete lack of supporting evidence is a sure sign the conspiracy is working.

  6. Even paranoids are right sometimes...

  7. Wow. Wondering what inspired this post love. Hope everything is well in your world and that the other half people aren't getting you down.

  8. Yeah, we have to learn not to take things so seriously and not to let them get us down. Some days it's harder to remember than others, however.
