After watching a zillion hours of crime shows, I am now qualified to gather evidence... right? Right? Probably not.
In the past week I've watched CSI (all it's incarnations), Cold Case, Without a Trace, Bones-- and others that I no longer remember the titles for. I have a question. Why do they use a flashlight in a room that has perfectly working lights? Why do they use a flashlight inside of cars that are sitting in the sun? Is it magic? Does the flashlight use some special light?
Then there are all the weird things the characters do that their real counterparts would never do. Since when do CSI techs interview suspects? Huh?
Or... since when do detectives move evidence at a murder scene before the CSIs process it? Aren't there procedures that are supposed to be followed? Isn't the detective the one who is supposed to analyze the evidence after the CSIs process it?
Maybe it would take too many hours and too many characters for them to do it correctly on television series. Imagine how disappointed some kid will be when he decides he wants to be a detective and only finds out after the fact that he will be expected to follow the rules.
I have to admit that it's been an interesting week. But I think I've seen enough crime shows to last me for a few more years. I think I'm ready to move on to some good books.
Yesterday we drove to the top of a mountain and looked out at the surrounding smoky blue mountains as they marched into the distance. It was wondrous. Then we stopped at Heavener Rune State Park where I walked down into a canyon and marveled at marks left by Vikings' hands fifteen hundred years ago. Good thing I took pictures. I don't reckon I'll be able to make it down that trail again. The knees and ankles are still protesting.
We stopped in Henryetta, Oklahoma for lunch and gas. Odd things... The Sonic was not permitted to have an outdoor trash can due to a town ordinance. Seems that trash cans attract flies. When I asked where we were supposed to put our trash, the waitress graciously offered to take care of it.
At the gas station, we discovered that gas was $1.71/gal. Think that's our new low price for this trip. Also the cigarettes were $3.80 a pack unlike New York where my daughter reports paying $8/pack. So, yay, Henryetta!
Finally arrived at my aunt and uncle's home where we were served a delicious dinner before settling in for a nice visit. On this 20th day of November, let us be thankful for safe travelling!